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Stay Strong Sandy!

A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. -Cicero

Monday, June 30, 2008

We're In Crisis Mode Now

I’ll confess that I have initiated a number of new blog entries over the last month and I have not completed one of them. The volume of words I have typed over the last thirty days easily surpasses, by an order of magnitude, that of any month since I began this blog.

The distressing news about Sandy has only increased, and seems inversely proportional to the ease with which I can communicate it.

The topics in each of the attempts were far reaching, including Hannah’s recent trip to Ohio to play for the Maryland U-13 lacrosse team, a recent NBAC swim meet, and Haley’s gymnastics injury. Her spinal injury could be an entry by itself. They included lacrosse tournaments for both girls’ SkyWalkers teams and mine, and the successful completion of the school year by both girls (with tremendous performances by both—we can forgive a single B in chorus, right?). Also during this time, all four of us went to Michigan to visit my mom as her health was declining. It was a warm, positive experience for all of us, despite the underlying sadness. I started to share the eerily parallel experience, as my mom struggles with the final moments of her war with cancer. As you would also expect, there were several attempts to synthesize Sandy’s struggles into bite size pieces, digestible by all. I get half way through, and the indigestion is prohibitive.

Simply put, we have been in crisis mode. Sandy was admitted to a Hospice inpatient facility late this afternoon. This was after several days of decline, where the pain and discomfort became overwhelming. Sandy was scheduled to have a single dose of radiation on the vertebra at C3 today, because of her broken neck, but she was just too sick to get out of bed and make it to Hopkins for treatment. When she finally made it out of bed at around noon, she collapsed on the floor. The medications are inadequate to manage her pain, and it became necessary to intensify the focus and attention to her comfort. She could only get this in an inpatient facility with consistent nursing attention.

As of this writing, we are hopeful that her discomfort can be managed effectively. We will take measures to prepare the house for her return, hopefully very soon. It is a terribly sad process to witness.

I apologize for how discontiguous this post must appear. As you probably gather, the crisis only deepens.

Please check back. I will try to fill in some of the gaps and keep this site updated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WILL AND FAMILY, MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH ALL OF YOU. I wish I could do more. My love to you all. Nancy Nusbaum

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy, Will, Hannah, and Haley, You have shown such fortitude and grace in circumstances that no one should ever have to face. I hope that the love of family and friends and the knowledge that so many people's thoughts are with you can provide at least some comfort to you all. Love, Seth Tucker

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will, I don't know how you manage to string these words together so eloquently. I'd prefer catching up with the four of you at the Senator or Belvedere Square, rather than here. As the previous post says, "I wish I could do more." More than casually bike by the house and catch you when I can or more than ask after you with the other Hollen Road types. Any more than that and I'd feel like I was intruding. All of you are never far from my thoughts and I continue to send you love. Richard Messick

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we continue to keep you, sandy, hannah and haley in our prayers and hold you in our hearts.
the strength, courage and poise you and your family have maintained through this fight are remarkable beyond words. we hope the days ahead bring comfort for sandy's pain and continued strength for you to see your family through this.
with much love
cindi d'angelo, dave and andrew

4:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


We are praying constantly for your family.


5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy, Will, Hannah, and Haley..
Words cannot begin to express what we would like to say. Will, your eloquence in dealing with the most recent turn of events is amazing.I am so grateful for this blog. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers. May you take comfort and strength in knowing how much you are loved.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hicklens,
Our endless prayers are with you.
The Bucks

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will-Our hearts are breaking along with yours. We love you all and you are in our hearts and prayers.
The Wilders
Brigid,Dave, Whitney,Meredith, and Morgan

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valen and I really appreciate your caring for each other and the love you have taught us about through the clouds and pain. Our words can't express the amount of support we want to show your family... Laura Lagomarsino

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will, this is heartbreaking news. i don't doubt the strength you and your family are putting forth right now is matched only by intensity of emotion. my thoughts are with all of you.

sally faust

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will, Haley and Hannah:

Your moms (and grandmother) are together in peace now and without pain. Know that you are surrounded by the love of so many, who admire you, feel for you and grieve with you during this sad and difficult time. You will get through this and laugh again; that is what Sandy would have wanted. And we will be there to help you as best we can.

The Silbers

12:00 PM  
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6:06 AM  
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7:01 PM  

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