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Stay Strong Sandy!

A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. -Cicero

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Disappointing Results From the Scans

This is a difficult update to write. The results of Sandy’s scans were disappointing on so many levels.

The cancer has progressed significantly, with advancing tumors in her spine, abdomen, pelvis, and lungs. Many new tumors are noted in each of these regions, as well. It has seemed that her symptoms and her discomfort were progressing, but she refused to give in to them or let them rule her life. I admire her for that, and I know that many of you do, too.

The fact that you are reading this confirms that we sat down with Hannah and Haley last night to make sure that they understand this news and what it means. It was a very emotional, yet heartwarming experience that no one should have to go through. You would be as proud of them as I am to see how compassionate and supportive they were all at once. Of course, they are deeply saddened, but I find that their fortitude and optimism are inspirational.

I am so proud of them, of their strength and their ability to support and love their mother unconditionally through this protracted mess. I know that it gives Sandy strength at ever turn. Throughout this challenge of nearly three years, they have both kept their grades at their highest levels. They have followed through on every commitment to us and to each other…if you don’t count the fish tank and the litter box. They remain good, honorable, loyal friends to many and have friends too numerous to count. You are probably aware that they both maintain very high level commitments to their teams, and this commitment has never faltered. I admire them both for so many reasons, and these are just a few.

Nobody deserves to go through this, but we are. We will continue to need your help and support. I am very grateful that you are in this with us.


Blogger Pete said...

Hi Will,
You, Sandy, Hannah and Haley continue to handle a situation, unimaginable to most of us following your blog, with grace, dignity, fortitude and, amazingly under the circumstances, humor.
I cannot imagine how proud you must be of the three ladies in your life.

Pete (Elizabeth and Becca`s dad)

9:28 AM  

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