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Stay Strong Sandy!

A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. -Cicero

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One Day Left

One last treatment left and it couldn’t come soon enough. The side effects from radiation are in full swing and Sandy is dealing with almost constant nausea as well as pain in her esophagus and back. This affects her appetite, makes it difficult to swallow and, oddly, creates frequent hiccups. The hiccups are common and there is nothing they can do for it. It's just odd to Sandy to be getting them all the time. Insomnia seems to be another side effect. Just one last shot of radiation left to do tomorrow. They tell us that the side effects will lag and may take a couple of weeks to resolve. But there is just one day left. At least then she won’t have to drive downtown every day for treatment and spend hours waiting for five minutes of treatment...and then things can start to get a little better.


Blogger becca and the gang! said...

Strongest chick I know!!! Thinking bout you all. Lots of love Becca

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgia and I had the privilege of taking Sandy to her last treatment. My camera phone was broken and Sandy forgot hers. She wouldn't let me ask a stranger to take the picture and e-mail it to me for posting. Something about not showering??? So I will give you a visual. She let Georgia (she is 3 1/2 years old and thinks Sandy is her new best friend) help her ring the bell. It was so loud that everyone on the floor turned, stared and then let out a loud clap and congrats! The last was the best because it only took 29 minutes from taking the parking ticket to leaving the parking garage. She deserved some good luck.
I hope she recovers soon because I didn't get to treat her to any lunch!

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We keep you all in our prayers and have you on the prayer list at church and also some of our friends. We want to come see you soon. Ricky wants to see his cousins,you won't reconize him as he is now taller than any of us in Mathews except Zachory. If theres anything I can do please call,I would love to be able to do anything to help you are in our hearts.Jamie,Richard,Ricky,Amy@Pete

9:46 AM  

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